The Evaluations return from the original game, giving you advice on how to handle enemies after you lose to them.The game has many sidequests, but these are helpfully listed on a notice board in the Pocket Monster Lord's Castle, so you can keep track of them.Animated Armor: The Armoured Berserker gives this impression.Amazon Brigade: The vast majority of companions are female, and you can easily make the entire active party female (though Luka has to be in the party somewhere).Always Check Behind the Chair: Practically any object in the game can have an item hidden: cupboards, pots, barrels.Always Accurate Attack: Some attacks are 'certain-hit', and cannot miss or be reflected.However, many other alternates come into play over the course of the game. Alternate Universe: The entire game obviously takes places in an alternate universe to the original game.

This leads to amusingly-long lines if your active party includes characters that appear as separate sprites on the map, like the Sluggy Stars or Nefertiti Lamias. All in a Row: Party members follow the party leader in this manner.Alice Allusion: Even more than the previous game, to the point that there is an actual character called the White Rabbit, who leads Alice around.Action Girl: The vast majority of enemies and allies are female.Abandoned Laboratory: The Ancient Temple Ruins.Usually, you find mineral sources here, which unlock a line of equipment. There's innumerable sidequests, and roughly 150 companions (in Part 1 alone) to recruit and train. 100% Completion: Extremely difficult, to say the least.Tropes used in Monster Girl Quest Paradox include: A-F